MDES for Emergent Futures Thesis
A methodology on collaboration for social inclusion between diverse communities and maker spaces. The methodology was developed with human-centered design and collaboration through a case study. The case study was a series of workshops held along with the Open Cultural Center (OCC) in Barcelona, a fellow researcher, and third country residents.
Once establishing a relationship with the center and their volunteers, a series of three workshops were developed.
Workshop // 1
The first workshop was an ice breaker to gauge the skill set and interests within the participants. The purpose of the activity was to initiate design thinking with the participants. It was held in FabLab Barcelona in close proximity to the fabrication tools, equipment, and machines to get in touch with the world of Making.

Workshop // 2 & 3
Creating stamps with personalized logos, stamping and dyeing secondhand clothing. We used the laser cutters to create some patterns and letters that can be used to create designs. The participants used the laser cut stamps to draw their logos onto their linoleum pieces. The garments were then tie-dyed in indigo and stamped.

The methodology is an easy guide or toolkit for any of the target groups to use and develop for social inclusion.
Its main purpose is:
To allow for cultural and traditional skill and knowledge exchange
To encourage integration within the Maker community
To create a safe space for likeminded but diverse people
How the Methodology Works

Links Explained
The ends of the communication strategy that are needed to allow the methodology to work include:

Loop Structure Life Cycle

Used at each stage of the Loop and to update when each stage is reflected upon

Toolkit Mockups