BFA in Interior Design Thesis Project
A nutrition centre for mothers who need a safe space to cook, learn, and socialize, in order to help build the community. This space tackles three main issues: mothers are not receiving work permits in the camp, most households are run by the mothers who are the main breadwinners, resulting in children dropping out of school to work. Two additional reasons found on why children do not attend school in the camp are the unsafe journey to school, where they could get attacked by gangs, and lack of food during school hours.
This project hopes to set up a space for solutions through:
Decreasing malnutrition. (through knowledge, resources, facilities, and equipment to make healthy nutritious meals)
Encouraging school attendance and creation of jobs for mothers who are the sole breadwinners.
Creating a safe space for likeminded people to encourage the development of place attachment.

The centre was placed strategically creating a bridge to the school and meeting points from the residential area.

The overall space planning of the centre was taken from the traditional Syrian courtyard architecture. Elements were used to divide the spaces between public, private, educational, leisurely and the circulation.

Section of main area. Garden, kitchen, and prayer room.

Rendering of the indoor garden area.